The main goal in the School of Ministry Studies is to prepare foundationally strong servant-leaders to enter the field in which God has called them.
Professors and mentors strive to develop deep relationships with students as they use their personal experiences to instruct and equip them for ministry.
Whether you desire to enter the mission field of a third-world country, or become a leader in your local church, the School of Ministry’s curriculum is designed in a way to foster personal and spiritual development in addition to academic growth.
Graduates of this program will be well-equipped Kingdom workers prepared to travel to the ends of the Earth or across the street to deliver the Gospel in a meaningful, compassionate, and relevant way.
There are few things in life that excite me more than to have a 17-year-old or an 18-year-old say, I feel called by God to ministry. And I usually have the opportunity to have them tell me their story because everybody has a story. And it is just such a thrill for me to hear them share what Christ has done in their life. The opportunity that we have at Grace College is to be able to help them begin to think through, even as we sit with them and talk about our different majors, how they're gifted, what their calling by God may be.
The School of Ministry Studies prepares students for service in their local church or service on the mission field. We like to say before you get up to say, thus says the Lord, you need to know what says the lord. So we want to make sure that our students know what the Bible says, and that's the foundation of everything else they will do.
More than being in class, I think that they get shaped outside of class with the relationships that are here on Grace College's campus. So we have a really strong sense of community. It's one of our high values. And I think that our ministry majors tend to get involved in community as leaders.
I'm prepared to go into my local church and volunteer in the children's ministry. So I feel very well equipped to teach Bible to the children and really adapt to their levels.
I feel like the things that I've learned in my classes and from my professors have not only been beneficial for my future ministry but just for life in general, and everything I've learned has been applicable for my life right here and right now.
So what I see happening here and what I think is a big part of our students' lives is so much more than the classroom. It's so much more than going to the library and studying. It's also about relationships. It's also about ministry. It's also about praying.
The type of student we want to graduate is, again, a student that leaves here having a strong foundation, that they know what the Bible says, they know what God expects of us. We're also expecting a student who is a servant leader.
My time here has been incredible. The Lord found me and saved me here, and I switched majors to study ministry. And I've been provided with a job already after I'm getting married. And my time here has not been wasted at all.
They come here, and they sense, "oh, these professors are different. They actually seem to have a relationship with the Lord, and it's down to earth." We're approachable, and we hope that that shapes in them a sense of what they will eventually be.
To me, college is not just getting a degree to get a job. It's to be able to be engaged in what is the very heart beat, I believe, of God himself. And that is share truth, to share the gospel, to share the inerrant word of God with those who need to hear about Christ. And so is it a good investment? I say it's an eternal investment to be well-equipped in knowing the word of God and being trained for ministry.